Metalsmithing Full Courses
Why struggling over which course to choose? Take them all!
Immerse yourself fully in the art of metal jewellery making. Start with the basics, master the skills, and scale them up! From simple metal or silver rings to advanced prong and grain stone settings, unleash your creativity and craft unique, ready-to-wear pieces!
This comprehensive class is divided into 4 different workshops:
Please check individual course availability and dates before booking. Once booked, contact me to secure your slots. The full series must be completed within three months from the start date. Check all the T&Cs for more info!
If you haven’t done so yet, download the StelAr 3.14 App, as you’ll need it during the course.
Can’t wait to see you there!
Why struggling over which course to choose? Take them all!
Immerse yourself fully in the art of metal jewellery making. Start with the basics, master the skills, and scale them up! From simple metal or silver rings to advanced prong and grain stone settings, unleash your creativity and craft unique, ready-to-wear pieces!
This comprehensive class is divided into 4 different workshops:
Please check individual course availability and dates before booking. Once booked, contact me to secure your slots. The full series must be completed within three months from the start date. Check all the T&Cs for more info!
If you haven’t done so yet, download the StelAr 3.14 App, as you’ll need it during the course.
Can’t wait to see you there!
Why struggling over which course to choose? Take them all!
Immerse yourself fully in the art of metal jewellery making. Start with the basics, master the skills, and scale them up! From simple metal or silver rings to advanced prong and grain stone settings, unleash your creativity and craft unique, ready-to-wear pieces!
This comprehensive class is divided into 4 different workshops:
Please check individual course availability and dates before booking. Once booked, contact me to secure your slots. The full series must be completed within three months from the start date. Check all the T&Cs for more info!
If you haven’t done so yet, download the StelAr 3.14 App, as you’ll need it during the course.
Can’t wait to see you there!